File Uploader

Javascript enhanced uploaders for easier file handling.

Basic File Uploader

Using the basic file uploader up, upload here to see how .basic-filepond look.

    ImgBB Uploader

    Using the basic file uploader up, upload here to see how .imgbb-filepond-based basic file uploader look. You must use name=image or by FormData fieldName for your input type=file to upload in imgBB.

      Multiple Files

      Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .multiple-files-filepond-based basic file uploader look. You can use allowMultiple or multiple attribute too to implement multiple upload.

        With Validation

        Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .with-validation-filepond-based basic file uploader look. You can use see here or required (to make your input required), data-max-file-size (to limit your input file size), data-max-files (to limit your uploaded files), etc (start with data-) attribute too to implement validation.

          Image Preview

          Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .image-preview-filepond-based basic file uploader look. This preview for uploaded or dropped images.

            Image Exif Orientation

            Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .image-exif-filepond-based basic file uploader look. This helps in correctly orienting photos taken on mobile devices.

              Image Auto Crop

              Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .image-crop-filepond-based basic file uploader look. You can use imageCropAspectRatio or image-crop-aspect-ratio to set aspect ratio.

                Image Auto Filter

                Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .image-filter-filepond-based basic file uploader look.

                  Image Auto Resize

                  Using the basic table up, upload here to see how .image-resize-filepond-based basic file uploader look.